Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Amy has 5 brothers, one sister and a step sister. There are assorted nieces and nephews – the eldest is 21, the youngest is 13 months old. And there are the various in-laws and partners and girl friends.

It’s not often that everyone’s in the same place at the same time, especially with Ricky a 12 hour drive away, and Amy in Australia. So, Amy’s mama decided that the time had come to get everyone together while Amy was in Richmond.

So Saturday afternoon there we all were.

This is what happens when an Australian takes a photo, and says "everyone say vegemite!"

So - who's in the photo?

That's Amy's brother Bruce and his son Nathan at the back next to Amy. Then Amy and her sister Katie. The fellow with arms around them is brother Kevin. Directly in front of Kevin is their mother, and beside her is George, Amy's stepfather.In front of Amy is Callie, Bruce's daughter, and beside her is another niece Abigail. Sitting on the front porch is Mark, another brother and behind the bush is Susan his wife. Next to her is Ashley, Amy's daughter, and beside her is Linnae, Amy's mothers step mother.

1 comment:

Andy Jones said...

Bet you never thought you would have a Walton sized family. Thanks for being so patient and charming with my family. You sure won their hearts.